🔥 1.2.0 - Support all WYSIWYG editors


Previously, PromptSnippets only supported certain common input boxes, like input and textarea, and some popular websites like Bard, where the input box is a WYSIWYG (or rich-text) editor. Now, with the increasing number of excellent generative AI websites, PromptSnippets works hard to make it compatible with all WYSIWYG editors (maybe 0_O). Feel free to try it on your frequently visited websites, and if you encounter any issues, please send feedbacks.

1.1.0 - Enabled Websites


Previously, the PromptSnippets extension activates on all websites by default, which some users found to be annoying. Most users only use PromptSnippets on websites like ChatGPT, Poe, and similar platforms.

Now, PromptSnippets is only enabled by default on,, and You can expand the list of enabled websites by accessing the "Enabled Websites" option in the settings panel of the extension.

See more

1.0.0 - Available for Bard AI


PromptSnippets Now Available for Bard AI!

Generally, PromptSnippets supports all common input box. However, some apps have custom-developed rich text editors that are not based on standard input or textarea elements.

Bard is exactly one such website, and we have now adapted PromptSnippets to work with its rich text editor. If you are a user of Bard, give it a try and let us know if it works successfully.

0.3.0 - Tags


  • Tags - You can add tags to your snippets now, and filter snippets by tags.
  • Convenient close - Conveniently close / disable the snippets popup box.


With tags, organizing and categorizing your snippets has never been easier.

You can add tags when create or edit a snippet. Multiple tags should be separated by commas.

Tags can be used to filter snippets in the management panel

Convenient close

If you don't want to use the snippets popup box, you can close it by clicking the close button or use the Esc key.
You can also disable the extension in the snippets popup box.

0.2.0 - Export / Import


Export and Import

Now, you can easily import your snippets into PromptSnippets or export them for use elsewhere.

Click the button to open the Export/Import panel. You can export snippets as json/txt/csv files. You can try to import any json/txt/csv file that contains prompts.

0.1.0 - Popup Input Mode, Default value


Popup box input mode

You can choose the Popup input mode in the settings Then you can input variables in a popup box

Default value

Use {{name:default}} to set default value for variable name The default value will be used in the popup box Or you can use double Tab to input the default value if you prefer the Tab input mode.



The first release.